AC Servo control systerm feature and function

News 5816

Precision: The system use Full closed-loc servo control and Double Encoder design. this is toensure long operating life and to preventovershooting during operating

Stability: The system utilizes integrated design concept, in order to simplify internalwiring and to prevent malfunction cause bywiring and terminal connections.

AC Servo control systerm feature and function

High Speed: Motor max speed is 2500 rpm,door max operating speed is 2 m/s Smooth: The torque servo system can adjust torque to the load automatically, and itsuse S speed curve mode step less speedregulating to ensure a smooth operation.

custom-made: Each system' s operating control order and mode can be custom made tosuit each door, to ensure max operatingcondition. The system has a unique order andmode memory mode and one key recover mode.

Safety: The system has a build in emergency stop signal and control order, the motor can beactivated within 30. millisecond after receive theof Pr, to ensure maximum safety.

High Usage: The system is benign to suit continuous high usage. and it can applied tohigh frequency high speed passage wa.

Energy Efficiency: The Rare Earth Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor utilizesrare earth permanent magnet materials. Therare earth PMSM S output and overload aretwice higher than the asynchronous motor, alsocompare to the asynchronous motor, the rareearth PMSM is more energy efficient, lighter,has a slower heating rate, and bigger torque.